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Robust systems are those where the procedures, process, resources, management practice, and staff are flexible enough to cope with potentially drastic and disastrous change

Resilience Solutions has developed a robust incident management system, extensively used by emergency services. This is a single management framework suitable for all incident management events. Our emergency and investigative expertise will provide the procedural, physical and technology solutions to your needs.

Resilience Solutions can provide relevant incident management theory and exercise services to develop senior leadership management through a crisis, in order to best protect the organisation and its people. Our crisis management processes will build cultural and organisational resilience through:

  • training, mentoring and exercising key organisational personnel
  • preparation and review of organisational policies and procedures
  • prevention, preparation, response, recovery and mitigation from a crisis
  • enabling organisations to make critical business decisions whilst crisis processes are being efficiently managed
  • media management

Investigative Brochures


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